New weekly summary is here, check out what we came up with this week:
4 new income streams to diversify your freelance revenue
6 ways to use Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies with your WordPress site
The ultimate guide to local WordPress development
How to use SVG as a Placeholder, and Other Image Loading Techniques
#codevember is a challenge for developers making a creative sketch by day during the whole month of November.
The best ways to invest your money to grow your freelance business
[Free Webinar] The Web Security Fundamentals
Content Monetization: How it Works and Mistakes to Avoid
Bottender – open-source JavaScript framework for building cross-platform bots.
How to Use CSS Gradients on the Web
Responsive Screenshots – getting screenshots of a website for desktops, tablets and mobile devices simply by entering a URL.
FontBase – activate any typeface from the Google Font library with just one click on to your local computer for use.
A Practical Guide For Creating the Best Website Color Schemes
Crello – add your messaging for social media, blog posts or email designs.
Don’t forget to share and like. Happy reading.